Thursday, September 4, 2008

NYC aims to make their last BIG bucks on Baseball

Well I couldn't help myself from coming home today and heading straight to the computer to check out my favorite sports blog, Neil Best's (LI Newsday)Watch Dog blog, which focuses on news and commentary from the world of Sports media. As I have told many of you in class, sports media is a MAJOR part of NY sports (and the sports world in general).

Anyways, Neil linked me to a pretty good article posted on Newsday's website this afternoon, on how NYC is aiming to make one last major dollar on the demolition of Shea and Yankee Stadiums. NYC, which owns the stadiums, has the right to all property in the stadiums that is left behind after the teams move out (including lockers, urinals, and SEATS). While the city has not announced the Yankees auction plans yet, Shea Stadium seats have been selling like pair for $879. Yankees seats are rumored to sell for double that. (I better ask for a raise now).

Anyways, since the new ballparks will be privately owned (Elsesser dollars to anyone who can tell me how the Mets can afford to this and double Elsesser dollars to anyone who can give me concrete examples on how the Yankees can do this) this is the city's last chance to capitalize on their major value..... (we will discuss this in class very soon...but for now just think about it......actually....this may be a good DO NOW critical thought question one day).

Enjoy the article and let me know what you think. Click here to read all about it!

Have a good night!
Mr. E

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